Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this course for, and will it work for me?
This course is for you if you’re…
You always think about how you’ll “finally” be happy once you get the “flawless perfect” body or reach a “magic” number on the scale
You often compare your body to everyone around you - whether in real life, on social media, on TV, or in magazines and feel unhappy about it
Think everyone is staring at you or judging your looks when you walk into a room.
You want to be happy NOW, regardless of your body image
What am I going to learn in this course?
By the end of this course you will:
Be confident in your body regardless of your size, shape, or imperfections!
So excited to get dressed in the morning because you love the woman you see in the mirror!
So in love with yourself that you ooze confidence and don’t wait for the perfect body to be happy
How long does it take to complete the course?
There is no deadline to finish the course, but it can be done in a week if you work on it daily.
What is the course curriculum?
How to crush this course
Your course outline
Lesson 1 - How to Deal with your Body Insecurities
Lesson 2 - How to Mute Judgmental Noises From your Life
Lesson 3 - How to Shift your Body Image into Positive
Your Gift
How much does this course cost?
You have two options. You can enroll with a one-time payment of $97 or you can make three payments of $37
What do I get when I purchase this course
Course materials in video and audio format so that you can learn in the way that works best for you
Transcripts of all lessons in case you prefer to read and go at your own pace
3 of my favorite exercises to help you create your own happiness now (these are exercises I share with my 1:1 clients and you’ll have lifetime access to them at a fraction of the cost!)
Plus, you’ll have LIFETIME ACCESS to the course, including all course updates, and a special GIFT
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept all common credit cards and PayPal.