Nathalie Botros Nathalie Botros

Flight Inflammation and Lose Weight

Do you try losing weight without success? have you tried all the diets out there and still didn't find the one suitable for you? Lori Shemek joined me to discuss how to fight inflammation and smart ways to lose weight.

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Nathalie Botros Nathalie Botros

Find Happiness in Your Job

Are you happy at your job? Do you want to change your job? Do you hesitate to change careers? you don't know how to network to find a job? Jeanne Branthover joined me to discuss the job market today and how we can fight happiness in our jobs.

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Nathalie Botros Nathalie Botros

Improve your Sexual Life with Food with Lisa Davis

Are you happy at your job? Do you want to change your job? Do you hesitate to change careers? you don't know how to network to find a job? Jeanne Branthover joined me to discuss the job market today and how we can fight happiness in our jobs.

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Nathalie Botros Nathalie Botros

Eat Happy to Be Happy

Do you know what are your happy foods/ Do you know which foods can heal you naturally? Wendi Michelle joined me to discuss how to merge physical, mental, and emotional health utilizing both ancient traditions.

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Nathalie Botros Nathalie Botros

Find your Real Love

We all aspire to find real love. What can we do to find real love and find our partner for life?

Renee Piane, "The Love Designer" joined me to discuss finding true love and her book: "Get Real about Love".

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Nathalie Botros Nathalie Botros

It is Never too Late to Start Over

Do you tell yourself you are too old to start over? do you think it is too late for you to find a job, love, or family? my three guests joined me to show you are wrong. Kristin shared her experience to go back to Columbia University after 40. Jonathan shared how reinvented himself after 40 with his work and love life. Rika explained how age is just a number and you can have a family at any age, she had 2 babies after 40 and expecting a third one at 47.

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